Friday, February 26, 2010

18 Month Stats

Oliver had his 18-month checkup yesterday. He is 32 1/4 inches tall and 24 lbs, 3 oz. He had two shots and didn't cry one bit - not even a whimper!
We are getting closer to being ready for baby! I officially start my maternity leave March 1st - with my job, it's easier to transfer all my cases on a set date rather than wait until I actually go into labor and then have to cancel a bunch of appointments.
I just got a couple new baby carriers (that brings my total up to 9, I think...Ian says I have a problem) and I'm so excited to use them. I think we have enough cloth diapers for the first few months, but then we may have to buy some more bigger ones - unless Oliver is potty learning by then, we won't have enough diapers to share. He has asked to sit on the potty a few times, but doesn't do anything once he's up there. Which is okay, we're in no rush! We'll let him lead the way.
Our family (along with everyone else in Iowa, I'm sure) is soooooo ready for spring! I can't wait to be able to open the windows and let fresh air in. To turn off the TV and go to the park! To go on long walks around town with my kiddos! Sounds like it may be in the 30's soon, so we'll have to get out and 'help' Ian clean up the driveway and sidewalk again.

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