We then went to Grandma Laurie and Grandpa John's house, and then to Granna's! (Long day!) Here's Oli hanging with Granna:
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
More Christmases!
We then went to Grandma Laurie and Grandpa John's house, and then to Granna's! (Long day!) Here's Oli hanging with Granna:
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sunday morning, Oli and I were up bright and early, but Ian wasn't quite ready - so Oliver attempted to wake him up:
Sunday we had the King Christmas, and got our SECOND five-generation photo! Here is Oliver, Ian, Grandpa Tony, Great-Grandma Tice, and Great-Great Grandpa King:
And here are all the Tice men! Oliver, Cousin Mason, Cousin Grant, Ian, Great-Uncle Mike, Grandpa Tony, and Great-Grandpa Tice:
Thursday, December 18, 2008
4 Month Check Up
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Yummy Toes!
Finally, got a video to upload! Oli looooves to suck on his feet now! I tried to catch him in the act, I think he's a little camera-shy.
The Power of Naps
I will no longer underestimate the power of a morning nap. We had our first of eight (yes, eight) Christmases today, and it was a big fat failure.
Oli was a happy guy when he woke up, and we went to church at 10. He usually sleeps through mass, but not this morning. Afterwards we went straight to Aunt Heidi's for the McKnabb Christmas...and hell broke loose. I fed Oliver when we got there and attempted to put him down for a nap, since he had been awake waaaay too long and was cranky already. For the next two hours, Ian and I took turns trying to get him to sleep. He was just NOT having it. He would fall asleep in our arms for a few minutes then wake up screaming. I think the whole family now thinks he's a cranky baby - he's really not!! He's usually so happy and giggly and flirty! He just refused to sleep.
So we had to leave early, and no one got to play with Oli. He slept on the way home (we took the long way so it was close to a 30-minute nap), he ate when he got home and slept with me for an hour, ate, and THEN was pretty much back to normal. At 4:30pm. What a rough day! He went back down for another nap right away and slept two more hours, was up for an hour, then went down for the night. He was SUCH a tired boy!
We have seven more Xmases, and I will definitely be making sure he gets a nap in before all of them! Poor guy.
I've been trying to upload more videos of him, but they haven't been working...I'll keep trying!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Definitely Rolling!
Oh well...it's still fun!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Family Update!
I also decided to become a Discovery Toys, Inc. consultant. I had my 'Grand Opening' this morning and actually got to play with a lot of the toys I'll be selling - they're pretty fun! You can check out my website here: http://www.discoverytoyslink.com/tifftice.
Ian started his new job just before Thanksgiving, and we are really loving it. It's so nice that he can be home every night now! He is going to start MMA (mixed martial arts) training again, and may get back in the cage. Who knows!
As for little Oli...well he's getting bigger and bigger! After cancelling our diaper service and doing cloth diapers part-time, we have decided to go full-time with them. I was tired of spending money on what becomes trash too soon, tired of the leaks, and tired of the icky smells from disposables (yes it's worse than with cloth). So we invested in a cloth diapering trial from www.jilliansdrawers.com. They sent us seven different types of cloth diapers to try for 21 days. Anything we didn't like we could send back for a full refund. I quickly found my favorite diaper (and ordered more), but will be keeping the others anyway. They are all pretty great. No pins, no swishing in the toilet.
These are the kind we decided on:
We also tried gDiapers - they come with flushable inserts. They aren't bad, but they are actually more expensive than disposables so we won't be buying anymore. They are pretty cute, too: